7 November 2022 (Monday)
9:30am to 5:30pm (Registration starts at 9:00am)
The ‘HKUST Industry Engagement Day: Innovation and Technology Showcase’ will be held by the HKUST at its Clear Water Bay campus on 7 November 2022 (Monday).
By demonstrating the University’s passion and capability in research and development, the event aims to engage industry partners with HKUST researchers in exploring collaboration and technology transfer opportunities, thereby promoting the overall technology development in Hong Kong.

Guest Remarks

Prof. Dong SUN, JP
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Welcome Address

Prof. Nancy IP
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Opening Speech

Prof. Tim CHENG
Vice-President for Research and Development
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Featured Keynote Speakers

Mr. Henry MA
Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer
WeBank Co., Ltd

Mr. Kecheng WANG
Chief Executive Officer
Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Co., Ltd

Mr. Hamilton HUNG
Chief Marketing Officer
Chiaphua Industries Ltd

Dr. Yanhui GENG
Director, Hong Kong Research Center
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Guided Tours
We will be featuring 4 guided tours to demonstrate HKUST capability in driving research and development activities across academia and industrial aspects.

Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute (CKSRI)
In this guided tour, CKSRI will demonstrate ‘Robot Grace’ (a humanoid robot), robotic grasping, and autonomous drones to show how the Institute has integrated innovation in devices, systems, networks, neuroscience, data analytics, and machine learning.
Biosciences Central Research Facility (BioCRF)
During the tour, we will demonstrate our pioneering equipment in analysing cell culture, flow cytometry, genomics, proteomics & metabolomics, etc.

Materials Characterization and Preparation Facility (MCPF(CWB))
In the tour, our expert representative will introduce MCPF(CWB)’s cutting-edge equipment in nano fabrication, sample preparation, optical characterization, surface analysis, electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, electrical and magnetic characterization, thin film deposition, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, etc.

Electronic Packaging Laboratory (EPACK Lab)
On 7 November, EPACK Lab will be presenting our capabilities in prototyping, process development, material characterization, reliability testing and failure analysis, and modelling and simulation.
Themed Concurrent Seminars
There will be four concurrent seminars covering a wide range of industry areas, presentations will be done by HKUST faculty members.